

How does the innovation culture of «Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting» differ from that of other companies?

Our plan for performance of the projects has 4 parts: Stage 1- analytical, in which all features of the system are identified, both positive and negative. Very important at this stage are the issues of defining all disadvantages of the system and the latent reasons of these disadvantages. There could be several such reasons and on order to do away with each of them it is possible to discover directions for generation of ideas. Stage 2- creative stage – the generation of ideas sometimes occupies less time than the analytical part. 3rd part of the project is devoted to comparative analysis of expressed ideas and to preliminary check of the quality of ideas involving the participation of scientists of the highest qualification.  There is a database of scientific consultants in the company, which exists for 20 years. It is currently possible to find 8 thousand specialists in 25 directions of science and technology.  After such a check the ideas are selected, which promise to yield the best results in designing.  Stage 4 is called verification. As a rule, 3 best ideas are selected for verification. The aim of this stage is to get convinced that the expressed ideas are workable for the customer.

In my opinion, Stages 3 and 4 are unique features of the Gen3 Partners culture. Such double verification of ideas yields the highest quality of innovation design. I think that the very presence of Stages 3 and 4 within the structure of performance of such projects explain why the company Gen3 Partners, or, to be exact, its Russian executive part, company “Algorithm”, operate at the market for more than 20 years.


GEN3:ID ( Innovation Discipline) methodology has its own special tools for each of the stages.  

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The performance of benchmarking analysis is performed via joint use of TESE and FOS. The aim of such research is to identify all the versions of the system, which exist at the market  (technology or marketable goods), to identify their useful functions and typical disadvantages. This is a crossing of two networks – blue lines are different versions of function implementation, for example, for the knife that is “to cut”. They are superimposed by a network of our knowledge about the trends of evolution, which serve as a navigation system during the work with Google. Our company has already published two examples of performance of such analysis at the web-site www.triz-solver.com . The first example is about an Engineering System « Knife», а второй пример про ТС  «Torch lamp».

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The aim of functional analysis is to write down all features of the system components: useful and harmful. It can be treated as heuristic methods of analysis, which is performed according to the rules, which are determined by the glossary of this subject. This approach is largely used for enhancement of competitive ability.

As of today, practically every enterprise or a company in economically developed countries use the methodology of value engineering analysis (VEA) as a practical part of the quality management system, most comprehensively adhering to the principles of standards of the series ISO 9000.

 FA was invented by Lawrence Miles from the company “General Electric” in the 1950-ies, then it was intensively developed in the 1950-ies by Ju.Sobolev. After that it was actively developed by the Leningrad school of 1980-ies – by TRIZ  specialists Vladimir Gerasimov, Semyon Litvin, Alexey Pinyaev and Minsk school, Valery Tsurickov and others. All the above-listed specialists live in the USA.

         Here is the definition of S.Litvin from the glossary of 2010 http://www.gen3.ru/3605/5453/  In this case I excluded from the glossary all necessary components for unpacking the meaning of the term «function» according to Litvin.

         Function: The action of one Material Object (Carrier of the Function) upon another Material Object (Object of the Function), which leads to changing or preserving the parameters of the second object.

         Auxiliary Function: Useful Function, which acts upon a Component of analyzed Engineering System.

         Functional model: The model of Engineering System, which enables to identify and to describe the Functions performed by the Components of the System and its Supersystem. The functions are characterized by the Category (useful or harmful), performance level  (insufficient, normal or excessive), level of cost (insignificant, appropriate or inappropriate) and the cost of corresponding Components.

         Function Parameter: The parameter, which changes (or is kept unchangeable) as a result of Function performance.

         Field: Object, which has no rest mass and carrying the interaction between the Substances. Examples are magnetic field, electric, thermal and acoustic fields.

         Basic Function: Useful Function, which is directed at the object of the Main Function of the analyzed Engineering System.

         Material Object: substance, Field or combination of both. (It turned out to be important for me. Ju.D.)

         GeneralizedFunction: Function, forwhichaparticularobjectandtheactionassociatedwithitarerefoermulatedintheformofuniversalterms. For example, a particular function "remove water" could be reformulated in a generalized form into “move fluid”. Generalized Functions are used in function-Oriented Search.  

         Supersystem: The System, which includes the analyzed Engineering System in the form of a component.

         Function Carrier: Material object, performing the Function.


         Object Function: Material object, the parameter of which varies (or kept unchanged) as a result of Function performance.

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MethodofCause/Effectchains. The target is the identification of latent reasons of negative effects. The logic of applying this method is simple. It is necessary to cure the reasons of the disease, not the disease itself.  It is performed via answering the question “Why”. It rather strongly depends upon the level of competence of the specialist on this topic.

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The majority of analytical tools both of classical TRIZ and of modern methodologies of innovation design have disadvantages as the object of their research in this or that way and in different forms.

Engineering contradiction is a special form of describing a disadvantage in s cause/effect formulation. Physical contradiction is a specialized form of pondering about the disadvantage, implying that two contradictory requirements are made to one and the same parameter.  The Object should be great-small-long-short-hot-cold and so on, there are all in all 36 such dychotomic subdivisions.

Ideal Final Result.

A tool of psychological correction in analyzing the disadvantages (hereinafter referred to as D).

According to the Glossary of S.Litvin: Ideal Final Result: Model of solving an inventive problem, formulated in the form of a set of substantiated requirements as related to X-Factor (part of ARIZ).

Here is a simpler practical explanation. There are two forms of pondering about D:

In fact, that’s where we should start:

Select a certain D, then think about it according to the following patterns:

“My system can ITSELF eliminate this disadvantage”

“There is a certain X-element, which is able to change my system in such a way, that D will simply disappear».

MPV ( Main Parameter of Value) GEN3 Partners methodology, which is like the approach of the famous American consultant Anthony Ullwick « What do consumers want?» actively analyzes the Disadvantages,  in order to identify, what the consumers will pay for eagerly and what they will not pay for.

         The methodology of the company Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting Harmful Machine Theory  is based on the diagram of typical disadvantages, which are identified empirically and the typical reactions of designers to these disadvantages.  

         There is a useful thought which we call the main theorem of “Theory of Harmful Machines”: the people develop ES in the direction of elimination of disadvantages using thereby the cheapest resources.

         However, each D is associated with some of resources and therefore constitutes a very important resource, because innovation science does not know any other way but elimination of D.


All tools of analysis have Disadvantage as the object, therefore, Все  инструменты анализа  имеют object, therefore modern innovation consulting is looked upon in the company Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting as a special modern scientific discipline about Disadvantages.


Another definition of our work and the product – « medicine for machines”, since the behavior of TRIZ-expert completely coincides with the behavior of the doctor. 


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         This is a typical plan of performing projects according to innovation design.

         It has four parts:

         Definition of the problem by the Customer

  1. Analysis of its (their) reasons and the identification of key problems
  2. Generation of ideas (innovation design)
  3. Comparison and selection of ideas for verification
  4. Verification 

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In the company GEN3 Partners these two notions are given in two separate paragraphs of the template, since they can often lead to the idea of break-through technology or as they say sometimes, “subversive technology”, which will substitute the existing solution.

Trimming is an attempt to decrease the cost of the system (product, goods, machine) via decreasing the number of components contained in them. The methodology for decreasing the number of components is based on the idea of transferring function from one part of the system to another.


Alternative Engineering System: ES of the same function with the sourc system, which has another operation principle. As a rule, it is done in order to enhance reliability, increase the number of fields of use or the number of categories of customers, for which this system will be attractive. 

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Both are one of the mechanisms of Trend of Increasing Ideality.

         Slide offers the entire list of trends out of “Trends of engineering Systems Evolution” . Here is the definition according to our glossary:

         Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution (TESE):Statistically confirmed directions in the development of Engineering Systems, which describe natural transitions of Engineering Systems from one state into another.  These directions from the viewpoint of statistics are true for all categories of Engineering Systems.

         Modern state of this tool is characterized by the presence of approximately 30 useful diagram patterns (templates) – classification systems aimed at the reducing time for the generation of new ideas. In this situation the process of appearance of a new invention could be considered to be the process of calculation of theoretically possible alternatives of system evolution.

         Accordingly the solutions, which were obtained based on the trends of engineering evolution are backed up by the experience of reactions of the market to new goods, which is concentrated in the diagrams. It means that the innovation design, which was performed according to these diagrams has lower risks of implementation than ay other innovative technologies, which are based only on logics, for example.

In order to provide for a better illustration of this definition, let us perform a simple psychological experiment.


I will show you the examples of different technologies and then I will ask, what is in common with these examples.  

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I show successively 5 examples.1_ How to measure a period of time? 2_ How to decrease the temperature of the body?3_ How to hang a picture? 4_two types of toys and how to play them? 5_How to measure the length of a curvy line?



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Thankyouforthecorrectanswer. In all examples alternative technologies, which were distinguished by the fact that in one of the technologies translation motion was used, while in the other technology we come across rotational motion.  

From the viewpoint of our knowledge from the area of Techniques for resolving engineering and physical contradictions, this is a technique number 14, section 3 – « substitute the translation motion for rotational. From the standpoint of trends this is a “trend of increasing conductivity” , subtrend 1 (there are 6 subtrends in this trend) – variability of types of motion, field and information.

Вы видите на In the Slide you see a classification system of motion types, which are found in engineering – pulse motion, translation, reverse translation, pendulum type (incomplete rotational), rotational (full circling) and wave motion.  

This classification system is a full algebra for describing any mechanism, which exists in engineering.


Respectively. We find on this diagram consisting of blue curvy lines the place for the technique “breakthrough” (performance of a certain operation at a great speed and the technique No.18 “use vibration”.  Joint analysis of trends and techniques is an important distinctive feature of the culture of company “Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting” through which it is distinguished from other companies.  

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In ther methodology of execution of innovative projects by our company “Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting” the use of knowledge about the trends and techniques is often associated with music and we call this knowledge “solfeggio of engineering creativity”.  Creation of a machine, designing a machine is a creative act.   A machine, which is successfully designed, is like a pleasant melody. A machine, which is  uncomfortable to use and unreliable with a large number of disadvantages is perceived as a set of ugly sounds, which remind of sounding of musical intervals (“big and small tertia”). 

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Here is a complete list of trends, which are used by our company. 50 years ago appeared the discipline “Trends of Engineering Evolution”.  As of today there are several versions of understanding this process. There is a system of trends set forth by Genrich Altshuller – founder of this science. There are variants of understanding, which are rendered by Boris Zlotin, Vladimir Petrov, Alexander Liubomirsky and Semyon Litvin as well as Yury Salamatov. All these specialists are experts, which are highly respected by me, they are real patriarchs of our profession.  There is a system of trends proposed by Jury Danilovsky, system of the company “Gen3 Korea Innovation Consulting”. This system absorbed everything, which was discovered by pioneers and what passed through testing by the personal practice of the designers. The author added several new models for practical purposes. Theyallofthemstronglydifferonefromanother. And they are all of them
“right” , as Altshuller said, when the version of Boris Zlotin appeared. 

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This is a more comprehensive matrix vision of the system of trends, which is accepted by our company. It connects the names of the trends with corresponding methodologies of analysis and synthesis of systems. 

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This diagram (kind of a reminder card) for working in Google in performance of benchmarking research. 

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Here is a set of handouts for our students during study of the course “Trends of engineering evolution”. Useful diagrams for training the recognition of trends in surrounding engineering objects and translation of this knowledge to the subconscious level.




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This is a more comprehensive diagram of MATCHEM, which is used in projects associated with medicine , cosmetology and material science.

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Here are four useful diagrams for the search of engineering solutions during the use of FOS. 

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ThemethodologyofGen3 KoreaInnovationConsultingHarmful Machine Theory   isbasedonthediagramoftypicaldisadvantages, identifiedempirically, andthetypicalreactionsofdesignerstothesedisadvantages.

This diagram is created as a classification scheme according to six important taxons – six important resources of engineering evolution: substance, field (energy), time, space, information, needs.

The basis for constructing the proposed model is the thesis : “people develop ES in the direction of eliminating the existing disadvantages, using thereby such resources, which are  the most accessible at the given moment”.

In order to generate the proposed methodology a new classification system devoted to the main resources of engineering evolution was developed:

substance, field (energy), time, space, information, needs (cost). The Disadvantage identified within an ES, is used as an entrance parameter for proposed methodology and is determined as a subjective-objective fundamental reason for changes within engineering systems (inventions).

In order to construct this diagram of bonds between the disadvantage and three most probable recommendations for eliminating this disadvantage, several hundred ES with identified disadvantages were analyzed, which were presented as 36 generalized typical Disadvantages.  

The results of this research were presented in the work in a matrix form and generalized in a special table 6х6. This table includes recommendations for using the techniques, which are vital within the context of the selected Disadvantage and the trends , which enable to eliminate the identified generalized disadvantage. 




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Thediagramofapproach, acceptedatoutcompany. TESE includes both the mechanisms and 40 Techniques as well as 76 standards for inventive problem solving.

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Simplified diagram of bonds between the trends and techniques in the form of “a tree” (main trends) and leaves (techniques). 

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Diagram of bonds between the trends as operations with resources, techniques and typical disadvantages with 40 techniques for resolving engineering and physical contradictions. One and the same disadvantage could be a mechanism for several trends. Thereisnothingsurprisinginthat. This is the way engineering is composed

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The same created diagram which was induced as a result of joint research with the students of the company Samsung Corning Precision Materials.

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The same created diagram which was induced as a result of joint research with the students of the company LG CNS

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Ifyoudrawforalongtime, youfeelpaininyourfingers. The disadvantage is associated with “fields”. In a corresponding column of the diagram there is the most appropriate disadvantage – “HARMFUL FIELDS”. Recommendations -  V (Su-Field quality), m (transition from macro-level to micro-level) D ( harmonization & non -harmonization of parameters).

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We can use the diagram of bonds between trends and techniques, we can obtain one more additional idea for solving the problem. 

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The diagram, which describes the logics of joint use of trends and 40 techniques. Part of solutions is obtained from trends through the diagram of 36 disadvantages, part of the solutions is obtained through the diagram of bonds between trends and 40 techniques. 

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FOS is a method of analogy with a functional criterion, used for the search of prototypes of solutions in other fields of engineering. The equality of main useful functions in your problem and in some other field of engineering means a possibility of transfer of a solution from a different fiel of engineering to the field of your research. Lawn-mower and all devices for shaving have equal Main Useful function (cut hair = cut grass), therefore the transfer of solutions could take place both from the field of lawn-mowers to the area of shaving devices and vice versa.  



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An example of transfer of a solution from the field of lawn-mowers to the area of shaving devices. On the right there is a lawn-mower, which rotates the blades due to the moption of the user of the lawn-mower. On the left there is a new shaving device consisting of two rotating perforated disks. 

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Special electronic Database on FOS  for training students. This database is currently used for developing creativity with engineers. A description in two languages has been published – in Russian and in English.

Yu.Danilovsky et al. RTV based on FOS manual. Full version.  



FOS electronic database as training in RTV (Develop Creative Imagination)

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In order to achieve professional mastering of FOS using habits, it is necessary to independently do 18 exercises and to find 2 or 3 personal examples for each of the generalized functions. Only after that this knowledge will be used on the level of the subconscious. 

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Mainmethodologicalplatformforperformingtheprojectsatourcompany. Joint use of three basic tools: TESE, 40 techniques and FOS. 

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Here is a program of teaching the solving skills at our company.  

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3rd part of the project is devoted to comparative analysis of expressed ideas and to preliminary check of the quality of ideas involving the participation of scientists of the highest qualification.  There is a database of scientific consultants in the company, which exists for 20 years. It is currently possible to find 8 thousand specialists in 25 directions of science and technology.  After such a check the ideas are selected, which promise to yield the best results in designing.  


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Stage 4 is called verification. As a rule, 3 best ideas are selected for verification. The aim of this stage is to get convinced that the expressed ideas are workable for the customer.


In my opinion, Stages 3 and 4 are unique features of the Gen3 Partners culture. Such double verification of ideas yields the highest quality of innovation design. I think that the very presence of Stages 3 and 4 within the structure of performance of such projects explain why the company Gen3 Partners, or, to be exact, its Russian executive part, company “Algorithm”, operate at the market for more than 20 years.